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Lawyer Referral Service

Lake County Bar Association offers:


Premium Lawyer Referral Service Listings  Those attorneys that want to be highlighted at the front of each panel listing.  Each "premium listing" panel – including all individual sub-panels is just $350.00 per year (July 1 - June 30).  Premium listing panels are highlighted in yellow and listed at the top of the category. 


Premium listings include contact name, firm name, address, phone number, fax number, hyperlink to e-mail address, hyperlink to website address, listing all areas of practice, date of admission to the Illinois Bar, Law School, and other states the attorney is licensed in, a descriptive paragraph (up to 250 words written by the member), and a picture.



Standard Lawyer Referral Listings are $200 per panel –including individual sub-panels (July 1 - June 30).  Standard listing panels include contact name, firm name, address, phone number, fax number, date of admission to the Illinois Bar, Law School, and other states the attorney is licensed in.



Why should YOU join the LCBA Lawyer Referral Service?


The LCBA Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) is a valuable member benefit as well as a public service. LRS provides member attorneys with an opportunity to build business through client referrals. The service benefits the public by helping callers quickly find an attorney in the area of law in which they need help. The LRS is widely publicized and all LCBA members in good standing who carry the required malpractice insurance are eligible to join.



The LRS program is designed to assist persons who are able to pay normal attorney fees but whose ability to locate legal representation is frustrated by a lack of experience with the legal system, a lack of information about the type of services needed, or a fear of the potential costs of seeing a lawyer.


Referrals are received based on the attorney’s experience in the practice areas they select. An additional annual fee is required to participate in the LRS and this amount is based on the number of panels selected. The fee is in addition to annual LCBA membership dues.


There is a special need for LRS members in the practice areas of Consumer Affairs, Immigration, Small Claims, Landlord/Tenant Issues and Real Estate Tax Assessment. Call the LCBA Office (847-244-3143) with questions or use the links above to sign up.



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